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Yoga The Sanskrit word ’Yoga’ has many meanings but it is generally thought to have derived from the word root ‘yuj’ meaning to unite, yoke or join together. This union relates to the balance of mind and body to attain self enlightenment. Yoga is the practice of physical postures (Asanas), breathing techniques (Pranayama) and relaxation. It is associated with a healthy lifestyle and a positive approach to life. There are many different ‘schools’ of Yoga with different emphasis on various aspects of the practice but most offer a way to restrain our wandering thoughts by bringing our awareness to a single focus, therefore allowing us peace and space. In the West we find it easier to minimise our thought processes by bringing our awareness to the body and breath.

Hatha Yoga With awareness on co-ordination of breath flow and ease of movement to create a practice which will improve strength, flexibility, vitality and mental clarity to aid concentration. You will be guided though a variety of flowing and held Asana (postures) promoting alignment and grounding, increasing space and freedom creating a wonderful feeling of wellbeing. You will notice the benefits immediately, a direct result of the parasympathetic nervous system which reduces the heart rate, lessens muscle tension and brain activity. All levels of experience, including beginners are welcome, students are encouraged to remain within their comfort zone and range of movement making this a class accessible to everyone.

Holistic Yoga This is a focussed class following the traditional authentic approach coming from a holistic, eclectic background. Incorporating Pranayama (breathing practices), warm up movements then Asana (dynamic and held postures), relaxation and philosophy. Suitable for students with some experience but not essential.

Gentle Yoga & Somatics These classes are ideal for beginners as well as experienced yoga students who prefer to focus on exploring their internal experience of yoga, finding their alignment from within and learning about how their own mind and body works. Gentle Yoga and Somatics classes with Roberta combines a gentle yoga practice with somatics, you are encouraged to practice listening very carefully to your body, the poses can be adapted for painful or aging bodies. We practice in a small group with numbers limited to give you plenty of space. You are welcome to attendthese warm and friendly classes in person at the lovely Lotus Loft yoga studio in Exeter or live on Zoom with access to the class recordings after class. What is Somatics? Somatics ~ gentle movement with your awareness focused inwards ~ creating well-being in body, mind and soul. Somatics is a practice that uses the mind-body connection to help you observe your internal experience. Somatics brings your awareness to parts of your body that are experiencing pain, tension or discomfort and then uses a combination of relaxation and small, slow and gentle movements to help to re-educate the brain so that it can relax and move these muscles more functionally. This practice can help you cultivate long term change in the patterns that have been held in the body. As well as teaching your muscles to relax and stay relaxed, somatics can repattern ease into your body, mind and life. There are many practices that come under the somatics umbrella such as Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Body-Mind Centering, Tai Chi and other body-mind and meditation practices. The term comes from ‘soma’ referring to the ‘body-mind’ and somatics practices are those approaches where the body is experienced from within. Roberta is trained in Somatic Movement Education (SME)/Hanna Somatics and has been taught by yoga teachers including Donna Farhi, Lisa Petersen and Aki Omori who also bring Body-Mind centering into their training. SME unites modern neuroscience with ancient yogic wisdom.

Vinyasa Flow Yoga This practice teaches you to glide from movement to movement with heightened sense of awareness while improving strength and flexibility. Creating internal heat within the body, Vinyasa Flow clears toxins and promotes cardiovascular and respiratory health leaving you calm and centred. All levels of experience welcome including beginners as modifications will be offered so students can tailor their practice.

Pregnancy Yoga A supportive, nurturing and relaxing antenatal session for Mums to be. Pregnancy Yoga classes provide gentle exercises, breathing and relaxation techniques to practice safely throughout pregnancy. Classes are caringly designed to ease common pregnancy ailments, aches and pains, worries and anxieties, empowering you to connect with the calm, confidence and strength to prepare for labour, birth and beyond.  Sessions provide precious time/space in which to connect with your un-born baby and the support of other women sharing in the life-changing journey of pregnancy. All levels of experience welcome, from 14 weeks pregnant onwards. These are term time classes, please contact Tamsin Evans for more information on 07749 548411 or email

​Pilates Fusion These classes are built on a foundation of traditional Pilates, bringing strength, flexibility and balance to the whole body. Particular attention is given to the core, getting the spine moving in all directions and building stability. This is what makes the exercises so beneficial both in preventing back issues and in helping those with back pain to find their way back to full health and freedom of movement. Rather than sticking religiously to Joseph Pilates' original repertoire, we explore a variety of exercises, occasionally borrowing from yoga, physiotherapy, and other systems of movement. Modifications are offered for many of the exercises to make the classes accessible to everyone, but with plenty to challenge those looking to work a little harder, often using equipment like resistance bands and small pilates balls to make the exercises more targeted and effective. The emphasis is always on keeping things relaxed and fun, simply getting people moving, whatever their current level of ability.

Body Method Classes Combining three disciplines; Callanetics, Pilates & Yoga For those who are a little unsure if Yoga is for them, Body Method is a great introduction and an effective form of exercise incorporating simple postures, pulsing of different muscle groups to achieve a toned, firm body with improved strength and posture. Targeting problem areas such as thighs, bottom and stomach you will feel the benefits almost immediately. Although the focus is on the more physical elements of Yoga, these classes help to increase energy levels as a result of improved circulation but when at rest, help to improve sleep patterns from the awareness of breath throughout the practice. Body Method is suitable for students of all abilities and experience; they are friendly, low impact classes which incorporate core stability, improving upper body strength and bring alignment to the body.

Modified Pilates A Body Conditioning System created by Joseph Pilates. Modified Pilates was developed from traditional pilates by physiotherapists. The 34 original pilates exercises have been clinically modified in to specific levels of difficulty allowing the therapist to prescribe exercises according to the individuals needs. Modified pilates is a form of dynamic stabilisation retraining that reconditions the body from the central core to help prevent the recurrence of low back pain; as well as helping to alleviate neck pain, osteoporosis, sports injuries, postural problems, women's health problems and stress related illness. Contact Libby Deacon for more information on 07855 376889

Sivananda Yoga Class In Sivananda, we follow a comprehensive twelve posture sequence that includes variations of each pose. Our class begins with pranayama (breathing exercises), which usually lasts for five to ten minutes. We then practice sun salutations (surya namaskar) to warm up the body. Each movement is synchronized with the breath to help bring focus to the mind. After the warm-up, we move on to practicing a sequence of asanas (postures).  As the class progresses more advanced variations of the postures are introduced. Finally, the class concludes with a 10-15 minute deep guided relaxation practice that aims to bring physical, mental, and spiritual relaxation.

AcroYoga Practice Group Acroyoga requires strength, balance, flexibility, communication, trust, practice, practice and even more practice! The Yoga element of AcroYoga reflects not only the physical but the mental and spiritual disciplines of traditional Yoga. The 'Acro' element of Acroyoga incorporates gymnastic techniques to improve strength, flexibility, trust and teamwork. There are three roles in an AcroYoga practice; The 'Base' - the person who has the most contact with the floor for maximum stability and support of the 'Flyer'. The 'Flyer' - the person who is supported by the Base. The Flyer moves through a variety of dynamic postures requiring balance, confidence and core strength. The 'Spotter' - this is the individual or individuals who ensure the Flyer lands safely in case of any slips. The spotter can often see more clearly where the Base and Flyer can improve their form which in turn can help with their own posture when they become the Flyer or Base. This fun practice group will inspire you, increase confidence, strength and energy levels. You will be encouraged to listen to your body throughout and take breaks anytime you feel like it. You are welcome to bring a friend but you don't need a partner as you'll partner different people. To attend this group you must have an established Yoga or AcroYoga practice. Contact Jules on 07446 968994 or

Iyengar Yoga Iyengar uses precision, alignment and sequencing poses, bringing attention into the body using action and breath as one. These classes offer a good blend of dynamic, recuperative, breath and relaxation for a total overall effect. Iyengar is often taught as a course to allow each student to build and develop their practice. Please contact the instructor for more information about the course, dates and costs.

Strong/Power Flow Yoga These classes are for the more experienced student with a reasonable level of fitness. You will build strength and flexibility as you move mindfully through the practice with guidance on breathing techniques so familiarity with Pranayama is beneficial. With a sprinkling of Philosophy, this is a rounded practice for intermediate and advanced level students.

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